Vertrek net als 27+ miljoen mensen vandaag nog op jouw strengths-reis!

Top 5 Ontdekkingsreis

Exclusief introductieaanbod
€ 49,59 (excl BTW)

Diepe Duik in DNA

Speciale introductieprijs
€ 297,52 (excl BTW)

  • CliftonStrengths® Assessment om jouw top 5 te ontdekken (Let wel! Je krijgt enkel toegang tot je top 5 en niet je hele DNA zoals in de video!)
  • Jouw top 5 informatiemateriaal
  • Groepssessie (speciaal voor jongeren, volwassenen, managers of op maat) om te leren hoe je jouw top 5 kunt gaan inzetten

  • CliftonStrengths® Assessment die jouw unieke talent-DNA onthult
  • Jouw top 10 informatie materiaal
  • 1 uur Diepe Duik in DNA
  • 1 uur Go with your Flow
  • Belangrijkste leerpunten na elke sessie


"I have talents I did not even know were talents"

"A clear understanding of why people work differently together, with its consequent benefits and challenges"

"I really appreciated Aukje's straightforwardness and teaching abilities"


"What a difference focusing on your strengths and not your weaknesses can make"

"Aukje gives you very powerful insights, empowers you to be more confident and boost your leadership! I recommend this session for teams and for individuals"

Order Summary
Top 5 Discovery

Order Summary
Deep Dive in DNA
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These forms collect information we will use to charge you and send you updates about your coaching, session or training. Read our privacy policy.

Top 5 Ontdekkingsreis

Exclusief introductieaanbod
€ 49,59 (excl BTW)

  • CliftonStrengths® Assessment om jouw top 5 te ontdekken
  • Jouw top 5 informatiemateriaal
  • Groepssessie (speciaal voor jongeren, volwassenen, managers of op maat) om te leren hoe je jouw top 5 kunt gaan inzetten


"I have talents I did not even know were talents"

"A clear understanding of why people work differently together, with its consequent benefits and challenges"

"I really appreciated Aukje's straightforwardness and teaching abilities"

Order Summary
Top 5 Discovery

This form collects information we will use to charge you and send you updates about your coaching, session or training. Read our privacy policy.

Diepe Duik in DNA

Speciale introductieprijs
€ 297,52 (excl BTW)

  • CliftonStrengths® Assessment die jouw unieke talent-DNA onthult
  • Jouw top 10 informatie materiaal
  • 1 uur Diepe Duik in DNA
  • 1 uur Go with your Flow
  • Belangrijkste leerpunten na elke sessie


"What a difference focusing on your strengths and not your weaknesses can make"

"Aukje gives you very powerful insights, empowers you to be more confident and boost your leadership! I recommend this session for teams and for individuals"

Order Summary
Deep Dive in DNA

This form collects information we will use to charge you and send you updates about your coaching, session or training. Read our privacy policy.